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Professional Transition often highlights some basic questions about personal values (what I like and dislike) as well as professional values (management style, types of organization, activities etc.)

The objective of my Professional Transition Program is to guide you through those questions and prepare you efficiently and actively with the adequate tools and competencies for your search campaign.

A simple 3-phase model that includes 10 key accomplishments. This proven model will prepare you according to your professional objective and requirements in the labor market. You will develop skills, as well as develop your marketing plan, for a strong positioning on the market. It is a flexible model that enables each individual to focus on specific skills and competencies that needs to be worked on as a priority.

Your competences = Your marketing
  1. First phase of the Professional Transition Program targets needs, objectives and means of success. Subjects that will be addressed are: needs and evaluation of your personal situation, define your quality of life, assess your skills and competences, establish your accomplishments, satisfiers/dissatisfiers, communication style, professional objective and roadmap. To further complete this phase, a customized assessment/evaluation of potential, performed by licensed psychologist might be suggested.

  2. Second phase aims at preparing the candidate to the various tools of the search campaign (CV and motivation letter) and construct a marketing plan. Tools of the search campaign need to be addressed rapidly, thus preparing the candidate for the labor market and generating a sense of confidence. A marketing plan will be developed according to the professional objective and targeted organizations. Then a roadmap is defined to target the open and hidden markets and positioning are addressed by working on recruitment and networking interviews.

  3. Third phase provides guidance and support to the candidate throughout its search campaign, ensuring that the adequate steps are taken to maximize opportunities. We follow the roadmap and identify ideas/solutions to understand how the application is perceived and how we can improve the positioning.