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Organizations need to adapt and re-organize on a much more regular basis, thus generating frequent changes to the structure and Human Resources needs.

Consequences of those changes are downsizing, restructuring and transfer of activities.

Given this reality, my objective is to provide professional transition services based on a solid experience of the employment market and local/international organizations.

These services answer the needs of employees from all levels and functions of the organisation. It is offered to individuals as well as organizations when faced with layoff or needing to consider a new professional perspective, such as expatriation. It is tailored to professional and personal needs and adapted to a given budget.

Human Resources Services answer specific needs of HR Management and General Management. The objective of these services is to provide counsel regarding the various activities of the Human Resources function, being in the context of a reorganisation or the implementation of activities and teams in the local environment.

All services are provided in French and English.

ressources humaines,transition,professionnelle,cv,curriculum vitae,recherche emploi,consultant,coaching